1. Library users are required to comply with local Libraries Byelaws 

2. Books and other materials may be borrowed by

    Anyone with a valid library membership. 

    Children and young people under 16 on the recommendation of a parent or guardian. Parents or carers of children aged 12 – 15 may need to consent on behalf of a child before they can borrow video's, DVDs or playstation games depending on the authority they join. 


    One library card will be issued to each customer.


No charge is required for the replacement of a damaged, lost or stolen library card 


    Library cards are required to be shown on each occasion that items are to be borrowed, a library service is used or when making a computer booking.

    (Staff will use discretion in the case of people who have forgotten their card.) 


    Library cards may be used at any of the libraries within authorities belonging to The Libraries Consortium (TLC)


    Library members may only use their own cards when borrowing items or booking a computer.


    (Staff will use discretion in the cases of parents who are genuinely selecting items on behalf of their children, or in the case of people borrowing on behalf of elderly people or people with disabilities) 


    Items may be renewed at any library in The Libraries Consortium, by our automated renewals service on  03333 704700 or by visiting the library web catalogue. 


    There is no charge payable for the loan of recorded music items, videos and DVDs.


    Charges will be payable for any items not returned by the due date.

    The current scales of charges are displayed in each library or on the library website. 


    Borrowers are responsible for the loss of, or damage to any items while in their possession or borrowed on their library cards. If a card is lost, library staff must be told immediately, as until such notification, the card holder remains responsible for whatever is borrowed on their cards. 


    Parents or guardians who act as guarantor for their children are responsible for any items borrowed by their children.


    Customers will be charged for lost or damaged items.


    Customers who borrow music items, videos, DVDs or playstation games are asked to check them for damage at the time of issue and to point out to staff any apparent faults. Customers will be held responsible for any damage discovered when such items are returned. 


    Customers may reserve any item that is currently unavailable, either in person, or on the internet using The Libraries Consortium (TLC) Catalogue which makes the stock of other library services available. We ask customers to appreciate that unless the item is currently in stock in their home authority, it may take longer to supply the item, particularly if it is supplied through the interloans service. 


    Customers will notify library staff immediately of any change of name and address 


    Items are available for reference in the library, and may not be borrowed. 


    Photocopies are provided subject to the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, and upon payment of the appropriate charge. 


    Personal belongings may not be left unattended in a library without the permission of a member of staff. Newham Libraries cannot accept responsibility for any personal belongings left unattended in the library 


    Library staff may refuse to loan items, and may deny the use of a library to anyone who: 

    Refuses to comply with these Conditions of Library Use
    Indulges in any form of anti-social behaviour which may disturb other library users
    Are overtly racist, homophobic, sexist or aggressive to staff or other users. 


    Public library authorities are not responsible for children left unaccompanied by their parents, guardians or carers. 


NOTE: Data Controller is the London Borough of Newham and we are responsible for the collection and processing of your personal information. Processing includes the organization, retrieval, consultation, use and deletion or destruction of information and its disclosure to other agencies. The information you provide will be processed mainly in connection with the administration and delivery of council services. There may be a need to share with external partners and organisations e.g. health and other local authorities to deliver the service or information may be used in the prevention and detection of fraud and crime. All information collected will be processed and held securely under the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679. Please also note that as a way of improving our telephone service, your call may be recorded for monitoring, quality, and training purposes.